Other arborists videos
We have selected videos from all different areas of the industry that we feel have something to offer, from the job site, to competition climbing, arborists discussing close calls and other tips and tricks.
The videos that we have selected of tree work being carried out, all show good techniques and safe work practices, and using appropriate equipment and PPE for the talk in hand.
Tree work videos
Title: Crane felling CH
Created by: Matt Glen
Title: Tillia felling CH
Created by Matt Glen
Tree climbing techniques
Title: MRS | Add-in prusik and V-rig
Created by: Wyatt Spruck
Description : How to use the Add-in Prusik - a method of creating a secondary lanyard out of the termination end of your Hitch Climber system. Also, the basics of the V-Rig/M-Method - a really slick MRS Redirect that is retrievable and allows you to keep your original tie-in point. It's a very powerful technique that can create lots of possibilities where there weren't many before. **NOTE: @ 3:48 - 3:59 *** THE PETZL ROLLCLIP Z DOES NOT MEET ANSI Z133 STANDARDS FOR LIFE SUPPORT - IT IS ONLY RATED TO 20kN MBS. ANSI Z133 REQUIRES ALL LIFE SUPPORT HARDWARE TO HAVE A 23kN MBS OR HIGHER.
Competition climbing
Close calls, injuries, and other arborist stories
Title: #OhShitMoments - Zane & Dale
Created by: Zane Wedding & Dale Thomas
Description: Climbers sharing their "Oh Shit Moments" with the Arb community.